Decision Economic Council
Commonwealth of Independent States
Concept of accession of CIS countries
to international conventions and agreements in the field
road transport
(Moscow, May 25, 2000)
The Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States has decided:
1. Endorse the concept of joining the CIS member states to international conventions and agreements on road transport, the Coordinating Transport Meeting of the CIS (CTC CIS) in conjunction with the Department of Transport and Communications of the Free Trade Area of CIS Executive Committee and reviewed by the Commission for Economic Affairs.
2. Send this concept in the CIS member states for use in solving the problems of integration of national transport systems into the European and world transport systems.
3. Instruct the CTC CIS in conjunction with the mentioned department to develop on the basis of this concept design software market development of international road services and make it to the Committee on Economic Affairs in 2001
Chairman L. Kozik
Economic Council
Commonwealth of Independent
The concept of joining the CIS member states to international conventions and agreements on road transport
I. General Provisions
The aim of this paper is the establishment of the CIS member states conditions for the integration of national transport systems into the European and world transport systems based on the harmonization of existing and emerging legislative and regulatory framework, the use of unified transport technology in accordance with the requirements and parameters set by international conventions and agreements.
The main task of the Concept - design for the CIS member-states the general strategy of accession to international conventions and agreements in the field of freight and passenger traffic carried by road transport in international traffic.
Joining the CIS member states to international conventions and agreements in the field of road transport due to the need to integrate the transport system of CIS countries in the international transport system to increase the volume of international transport and foreign exchange earnings, reducing transport costs closer to international standards, terms of delivery of passengers and goods, energy and environmental performance of vehicles.
The concept recommends to build on the principles of international transport policies, which include: political, social progress and development of infrastructure and services, technical and technological problems of certification of goods, products and services. Go to these principles should be implemented gradually, in stages, taking into account the adopted in each of the CIS member-states the relevant legal and regulatory framework.
The concept provides an analysis of the current state of the transport market and the formation of the regulatory framework for international road transport, the option of priority joining the CIS member states to the conventions and agreements, which takes into account their interests represented by predictive assessment of the effectiveness of adhesion, defined phasing of the work.
The concept was developed for the synthesis of transport laws and international treaties of the CIS member states, which are part of international transport organizations have an important geopolitical location, and have developed industry, able to manufacture and maintain modern vehicles, and road construction equipment, as well as strong academic potential, educational institutions and qualified personnel.
Used in the preparation of the Concept of intergovernmental agreements on international road transport, the experience of joining the CIS member states to international conventions and agreements, and proposals of the transport ministries of the CIS, development, justification and other materials.
The concept should become the organizational and methodological guidance to the executive power of the CIS, related to the activities of road transport industry, and its provisions - the basis of programs, adherence to international conventions and agreements in the field of road transport.
II. Assessment of current state
Characteristics of the international market of road transport services at the present stage
Despite the overall decline in production and a reduction in transport of goods by road in domestic traffic, international road transport in the CIS countries over the past 7-8 years, grew fairly rapidly. The statistical data for a number of CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, etc.).
The data presented in Russia follow the general trends of development of road transport in the countries of the Commonwealth. In Russia, the volume of international road transport of goods with foreign countries in 1999 amounted to 13,4 million tons and in comparison with 1990 increased almost 7 times, and in the pre-crisis 1997 the volume of traffic was more than 15.5 million ie
In 1999, the volume of international road transport of goods carried out by Russia with the CIS states, has remained almost unchanged and amounted to 2,4 million tons
In the volume of international road transport between Russia and the CIS countries accounted for the largest share of transport in Kazakhstan - 46%, Ukraine - 30%, with all the other CIS states - 24%.
The share of road transport in total transport of foreign goods of all types of transport (excluding pipelines) in Russia currently stands at 5%, while the European Union - 46%.
In 1999, the share of national carriers in the total volume of international road transport of goods in Russia with foreign countries was very low and amounted to 35,9%, the proportion of carriers of non-CIS countries - 39,8%, while the carriers of the CIS countries - 24,3% .
Average cost of 1 ton of cargoes, transported to Russia in 1999, road transport accounted for 52 dollars in rail transport - $ 128 for water - $ 180 In this regard, the share of road transport on the total value of the total volume of trade carried Goods from other modes of transport is 28,4%. This share of railway transport, perform transportation of more than 157 million tons of these goods is 25%, and water transport to provide transportation of foreign trade cargoes of 144 million tonnes, the share of the cost was 32,5%.
Analysis of the cargo shows that the bulk of road transport trade goods in Russia is carried out on the motorway, which is part of international transport corridors, N 2 and N 9, renewal, respectively, from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod and then exit to the regions of the Urals and Siberia, and from Moscow to Astrakhan and Novorossiysk. The share of traffic on these corridors is about 70% of the total volume of foreign trade cargoes.
In the next 2-3 years, the role and importance of international transport corridors in the development of transport these goods in Russia and other CIS countries will increase significantly, which would require solving complex issues, including:
- Harmonization of the transport regulatory framework of the CIS with the European legal system in this area;
- Conduct and the need to unify the parameters and the basic requirements of the technological systems of transportation;
- The creation of infrastructure for high-performance transport service for participants of the transportation process (a network of terminals, stations, maintenance and repair, motels and campgrounds with parking, secure communications systems, etc.).
Key issues in the international market for automotive services to the CIS member states should include:
- The need for liberalization of international road transport on the principles of reciprocity and parity with foreign partners and the elimination of barriers to the implementation of these services;
- Lack of a unified regulatory framework that is used in international road transport;
- Protection of the interests of domestic carriers from unfair competition from foreign partners;
- Improvement of the organization and processes to meet the international transport taking into account the priority development of the traffic on international transport corridors through the permit system established on the basis of bilateral intergovernmental agreements, as well as within the ECMT - in the use of reusable permits.
The increasing globalization of world economy, and the complication of mutually business processes not only negate the nation-state interests, but also forced to seek new ways to protect them on the world market. Imperfection of the transport strategy of the CIS can not fully implement the principles of international transport policies.
In terms of economic restructuring of the CIS are paramount to expand and deepen international cooperation, which creates a basis and prerequisites for the integration of national transport systems in the world transport system and contributes to a higher level of organizational and technical development of these complexes. For example, to establish and operate a network of transport corridors, transport organization in which there is a significant number of regulations, technical documents, requirements, standards, etc. Ukraine agreed on only a portion of these documents (about 20 of the 50 main) with their total number in the hundreds.
The analysis shows that the efficiency of transport system of CIS countries remains low, it is planned alarming trend of increasing the share of transport costs in the gross domestic product. For example, if the United States for 5 years have seen an average annual growth in gross domestic product to 2.8% with an average traffic growth of 2%, the CIS member states in 1999, the cost of transport services
and communication in gross domestic product increased by a factor of 2.
Rectification of the development of transport sector, according to experts, will allow in a single legal and economic space of the CIS to achieve significant growth in gross domestic product, due to the increased efficiency of the transport system.
Legislative and legal framework
To improve the performance of international road transport of goods and passengers, road safety, the harmonization of basic requirements for motor vehicles, roads, road signs and signals in the world used at least 44 international conventions and agreements on road transport, which are prepared mainly Committee on Inland Transport Committee. These are listed in Appendix 1.
At the present time, these international conventions and agreements have joined many European countries, as well as a number of countries in other regions of the world. The greatest number of countries acceded to the following conventions and agreements:
Convention on Road Traffic of 19 September 1949 - 92 countries;
Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring of June 4, 1954 - 84 countries;
Customs Convention on Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles on June 4, 1954
(995_081) - 82 countries;
Convention on Road Traffic of 8 November 1968 (995_041) - 72 countries;
Convention on Road Signs and Signals on November 8, 1968 (995_902) - 62 countries;
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) of 14 November 1975 (995_012) - 60 countries;
Convention on the International Carriage of Goods by May 16, 1956 (995_234) - 40 countries;
Customs Convention on Containers, of 18 May 1956 (995_704) - 41 countries;
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods (ADR) of September 30, 1957 (994_217) with
Protocol of 28 October 1993 - 32 countries.
The practice of joining the European countries to international conventions and agreements shows that Germany has signed and ratified 26 conventions and agreements, Italy - 27 France - 26 Finland - 26, Bulgaria - 25, Hungary - 26, Poland - 2, including:
European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR) (995_046);
Convention on Road Traffic (1949 and 1968 (995_041);
Convention (995_902) and the European Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals (994_372);
CMR Convention and the Protocol to the Convention (995_234);
Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring;
Customs TIR Convention in 1959 and 1975 (995_012);
Customs Convention on Containers, 1956 (995_704) and 1972 (995_c34);
The European Convention on Customs Treatment of Pallets used in international transportation;
International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods (995_267);
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods (ADR) (994_217);
Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the special equipment for such carriage (ATP) (995_b68);
Customs Convention on Temporary Importation of Road Vehicles, and Commercial;
The European Convention on the Work of Crews of Vehicles (AETR) (994_016).
Given the high level of development of international road transport of goods and passengers in these countries, as well as years of experience in their work on the implementation of its operations in various regions of Europe, Asia, Africa and CIS countries, we can state that the above mentioned conventions and agreements related to major international for use in international road transport.
Joining the CIS states to these conventions and agreements, in comparison with those seven European countries can be seen from Appendix 2. So, now the 26 major conventions and agreements to which virtually all of these European countries joined in unanimously, states will participate in a convention, and almost all of them - in only four.
The practice of joining the CIS member states to international conventions and agreements shows that the Russian Federation has signed and ratified 21 conventions and agreements, the Republic of Belarus - 14, the Republic of Kazakhstan - 9, Ukraine - 8, Uzbekistan - 11, Kyrgyz Republic - 6, the Republic of Moldova - 6, Turkmenistan - 6, the Republic of Tajikistan - 5, Georgia - 4, Azerbaijan - 3, the Republic of Armenia - 2.
Characteristics of conventions and agreements by the number of accessions of the CIS:
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (995_012) (TIR Convention) - all the CIS countries;
Convention on Road Traffic of 8 November 1968 (995_041) - 10 countries;
Convention on Road Signs and Signals on November 8, 1968 (995_902) - 9 countries;
The Convention on the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) of 19 May 1956 (995_234) - 8 countries;
European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR) (994_016) - 6 countries;
European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR) (995_046) - 5 countries;
Customs Convention on Containers (995_704) - 4 countries;
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods (ADR) (994_217) - 2 countries;
European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines (AGTC) (994_054) - 2 countries;
Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring - 1 country;
Customs Convention on Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles (995_081) - 1 country;
Protocol amending the European Agreement ADR - 1 country.
Thus, the CIS member states are paying attention to the accession to international conventions and agreements and, accordingly, to the formation of the legislative and regulatory framework for international road transport.
However, there are various constraints on the circumstances, which include:
- Lack of comprehensive information about the mechanism of adherence to international conventions and agreements;
- Financial difficulties associated with joining them;
- Lack of coordination of actions on accession.
III. Approaches to problem solving
An important stage in the formation of the legislative and regulatory framework for international road transport is the study and selection of the most relevant international conventions and agreements, as well as the feasibility study ways to join the CIS member states to them. It should consider issues of harmonization of internal transport legislation with the international conventions and agreements.
The expediency of joining the CIS member states to international conventions and agreements should include:
transportation safety and environmental protection;
- Taking into account the volume of road transport, short-and long-term prognosis for their development in foreign countries and CIS countries;
- Arrangement of international transport corridors;
- Preservation, processing of goods of different nomenclature and transportation of bulky, heavy loads;
- Licensing and certification of vehicles, goods, products and services, as well as the establishment of freight-forwarding system.
Accession to international conventions and agreements, on the one hand, involves the gradual liberalization
th transport conditions in the international transport markets and the deepening of cooperation in transport and on the other hand, require a series of measures to protect the interests of national carriers and users of road transport services.
In the process of preparing materials for the accession to international conventions and agreements of the Ministry of Transport of the CIS member states through the assessment of political, financial, economic, technical and technological factors should conduct a feasibility study the consequences of this merger. It is necessary to take into account the investment for improving logistics vehicles, possible admission fees, and costs associated with the transfer of relevant materials and travel.
Upon accession to international conventions and agreements should focus on the creation of a national road carriers of favorable conditions for transport (eg by simplifying the procedures for customs clearance and documentation), the effective use of rolling stock and the introduction of advanced transportation technologies (the terminal, modal, container, with the use of pallets, etc.), a decrease in road and other fees and penalties for transportation in the territory of foreign states, reduce the loss of cargo during its transportation, fewer accidents, etc.
A few examples:
- Accession to the European agreement ADR (994_217) accounts for the decrease prejudice members of the transportation process, as well as third parties by reducing the likelihood of emergencies during transport and storage of dangerous goods
- Accession to ATP (995_b68) takes into account the reduction of loss of perishable goods through the use of advanced transportation technologies and advanced specialized vehicles that meet international requirements, standards and certificates.
IV. Priorities and feasibility study of adherence to conventions and agreements
Based on the forecast development of the economies of CIS countries in terms of international transport, scientific, technical and economic research, compilation of proposals from the transport ministries of the CIS countries, studying the experience of several European countries to implement international conventions and agreements are recommended to join as a top priority of international conventions and agreements listed in the table.
№ Name convention and the convention and soglasheniyaOsobennosti soglasheniyaTehniko feasibility study
Conventions and agreements to ensure traffic safety, environmental protection, introduction of advanced transport technologies
1Evropeyskoe Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR) of 15 November 1975 (995_046) promotes the development of international transport corridors and their possible extension to the regions of Central Asia and ZakavkazyaDlya Ukraine's annual economic benefit of improving traffic conditions on the roads will be about $ 100 million USA.
22 European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Installations (AGTC), of 1 February 1991 (994_054)
3Konventsiya on Road Traffic of 8 November 1968 (995_041) contribute to adapt the regulatory framework in the field of arrangement of roads and traffic from Europe, as well as streamlining the licensing and certification of road transport contributes to reducing the average duration of delivery of passengers and cargo to the destination 24 - 48 per hour. 18 - 36 per hour.; reduce the environmental damage of air pollution from 78,3% to 58,2%, reduction of accident rate by 30 - 35%
4Evropeyskoe Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Traffic (1968) on May 1, 1971
5Protokol on Road Signs and Signals of 19 September 1949 (995_901)
6Konventsiya on Road Signs and Signals on November 8, 1968 (995_902)
7Evropeyskoe Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals (1968) on May 1, 1971 (994_372)
8Protokol of road markings to the European Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals from March 1, 1973
9Soglashenie the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for equipment and parts for motor vehicles on March 20, 1958
Agreement provides a mode of work and rest of drivers
10Evropeyskoe Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR) from July 1, 1970 (994_016) establishes uniform requirements for work and rest of drivers Helps reduce accidents by 10 - 15% and improve productivity by 25 drivers - 30%
Convention legal support freight
11Konventsiya on the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) of 19 May 1956 (994_016) establish a legal relationship between the parties in international road transport of goods help accelerate delivery of 15 - 20%
12Protokol to the Convention on the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) of 5 July 1978 (994_016)
Convention, and improved conditions of transport (customs issues)
13Konventsiya concerning Customs Facilities for Touring, signed in New York on June 4, 1954 Simplify customs procedures and improve the conditions of international transportation help to reduce downtime of cars, trucks in international traffic at border crossings on 10 - 15%
14Tamozhennaya Convention on the Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles, signed in New York on 4 iyunya1954 city (995_081)
15Tamozhennaya Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) of 14 November 1975 (995_012)
16Tamozhennaya Convention on the Temporary Importation of Road Vehicles, and Commercial on May 18, 1956
17Tamozhennaya Convention on Containers, of 2 December 1972 (995_c34)
18Evropeyskaya Convention on Customs Treatment of Pallets used in international traffic by December 9, 1960
19Mezhdunarodnaya Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods of 21 October 1982 (995_267)
Agreement to ensure the transport of dangerous and perishable goods
20Evropeyskoe Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods | (ADR) of September 30, 1957 (995_267) Defines a single international standard requirements for the carriage of dangerous goods Helps reduce the probability of disasters occurring in 30 - 35% reduction in the level of harm to the environment, life and health at 25 - 40%
21Protokol amending Article 1, "a", 14.1 and Article 14.3 of the European Agreement of 30 September 1957 concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods (ADR) ot28 October 1993
22Soglashenie on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage (ATP) of September 1, 1970 (995_b68) establishes uniform international standard requirements for the transport of perishable goods helps to reduce the loss of goods in transit
Conventions and agreements that provide passenger transportation
23Konventsiya on international road transport of passengers and baggage (KMAPP), signed by the Heads of Governments of CIS member states on Oct. 9, 1997 (997_034) Unifies the conditions of international transport of passengers by bus in the CIS member states Promotes economic integration and coherence in the common economic space , simplification of border crossing procedures, protect the legitimate rights and interests of passengers and is the basis for developing coordinated transportation systems, certification and licensing procedures
24Konventsiya on the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road (CVR) from March 1, 1973 (995_845) and its Protocol of 5 July 1978 (995_686) establishes the procedure and the size of payments to carriers for damage caused to passengers and damage to their luggage Provides implementation of European standards to protect the legitimate rights and interests of passengers and decreases by 10 - 15% of the revenues of carriers
25Evropeyskoe agreement on international occasional carriage of passengers by bus (Interbus), UN / ECE project Unifies technological requirements when performing non-scheduled passenger transport contributes to increase the volume of international traffic by 25 - 30%
26Mezhdunarodnoe agreement (Universal contract) liability insurance of vehicle owners in the system | "Green Card" from 20 October 1989 defines the conditions and procedure for compulsory insurance of civil liability in international transport for the Russian Federation promotes the annual increase in foreign exchange earnings from insurance to 20 million . U.S. $
Agreement, providing certification services to road transport
27Soglashenie the Adoption of Uniform Conditions for Periodical Technical Inspections of Wheeled Vehicles and the Reciprocal Recognition of such Inspections.
Approved by the UNECE Conference 13 November 1997 provides for the issuance of certificates of international inspection of transport sredstvDlya Russian Federation and Ukraine harmonization of the requirements for certification maintenance and repair of vehicles will allow for 30 - 35% reduction in the number of road accidents, 10 - 15% reduction harmful emissions into the atmosphere
V. Conclusions
Realization of the Concept will help create favorable conditions for the concentration of resources for resettlement of international transport corridors, create a forwarding system, the introduction of licensing and certification of products, goods and services to road transport.
For the most complete and effective implementation of universally recognized principles and norms of international law, executive authorities of CIS member states must develop programs for adherence to international agreements and conventions on road transport, given in this concept (see table). Implementation of the procedures envisaged by the Concept of accession to the conventions and agreements on road transport will provide improved transport services in international transport and efficient use of all resources of the transport system.
Appendix 1
conventions and agreements governing
implementation of international road transport
Road transport infrastructure
1. Declaration concerning the construction of international highways from September 16, 1950.
2. European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR) of 15 November 1975 (995_046).
3. European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Installations (AGTC), of 1 February 1991 (994_054).
Road traffic signs and signals
4. Convention on Road Traffic of 19 September 1949.
5. Convention on Road Traffic of 8 November 1968 (995_041).
6. European Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Traffic (1968), from May 1, 1971.
7. Protocol on Road Signs and Signals of 19 September 1949 (995_901).
8. Convention on Road Signs and Signals on November 8, 1968 (995_902).
9. European Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals (1968), from May 1, 1971 (994_372).
10. European Agreement supplementing the 1949 Convention on Road Traffic and the 1949 Protocol on Road Signs and Signals of 16 September 1950.
11. European Agreement on the Application of Article 23 of the 1949 Convention on Road Traffic concerning the size and weight of vehicles allowed to Travel on Certain Roads of the Contracting Parties on 16 September 1950.
12. Protocol on Road Markings of the European Agreement supplementing the Convention odorozhnyh Signs and Signals, from March 1, 1973.
13. European Agreement on Road Markings, 13 December 1957.
14. Agreement on Minimum Requirements for the issuance and validity of international driving permits (APC) from 1 April 1975.
15. Agreement on the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and / or used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the basis of these prescriptions, from 16 October 1995 (995_343 ) (Instead of a similar agreement on March 20, 1958, Annex 2, paragraph 10).
Legal issues in road transport
a) working conditions
16. European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR), from July 1, 1970 (994_016).
b) Taxation and economic regulation
17. Convention on the Taxation of Private Road Vehicles in International Traffic, of 18 May 1956 (995_398).
18. Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles Engaged in International Passenger Transport, of 14 December 1956.
19. Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles Engaged in International Goods Transport, of 14 December 1956 (995_397).
20. General Agreement on Economic Regulations for International Road Transport, of 17 March 1954.
c) contracts of carriage
21. The Convention on the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) of 19 May 1956 (995_234).
22. Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) of 5 July 1978 (995_234).
Improving the conditions of carriage (customs issues)
23. Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring, signed in New York, June 4, 1954.
24. Customs Convention on Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles, signed in New York on June 4, 1954 (995_081).
25. Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) of 15 January 1959 (995_012).
26. Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) of 14 November 1975.
27. Customs Convention on Temporary Importation of Road Vehicles, and Commercial, on May 18, 1956.
28. Customs Convention on Containers, of 18 May 1956 (995_704).
29. Customs Convention on Containers, of 2 December 1972 (995_c34).
30. The European Convention on Customs Treatment of Pallets Used in International Transport, of 9 December 1960.
31. Convention on Customs Treatment of Containers in the pool and used for international transportation, from January 21, 1994.
32. International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods of 21 October 1982 (995_267).
Transport of dangerous goods
33. European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods (ADR) of September 30, 1957 (994_217).
34. Protocol amending article 1 "and" Article 14.1 and Article 14.3 of the European Agreement of 30 September 1957 concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods (ADR) of 28 October 1993.
35. Convention on Civil Liability for Damage Caused during Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, Rail and Inland Navigation Vessels (CRTD), of 10 October 1989 (995_837).
Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs
36. Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage (ATP), from 1 September 1970 (995_b68).
Passenger transportation
37. Convention on the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road (CVR) from March 1, 1973 (995_845).
38. Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road (CVR) from July 5, 1978 (995_686).
39. European agreement on international occasional carriage of passengers by bus (Interbus). Draft UN / ECE.
40. Agreement concerning the international carriage by road of passengers by bus irregular (Hazor) on May 26, 1982. (Only for countries outside the EU).
41. The Convention on International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage (KMAPP) (997_034).
Signed by the Heads of Governments of CIS member states on Oct. 9, 1997.
Other conventions and agreements
42. International agreement (Universal contract) liability insurance of vehicle owners under the "Green Card" of 20 October
43. Agreement on Cooperation Trust Fund Trans-European North - South (TEA), with the addition of A (Parts 1, 2, 3).
44. Agreement on the Adoption of Uniform Conditions for Periodical Technical Inspections of Wheeled Vehicles and the Reciprocal Recognition of such Inspections. Approved by the UNECE Conference 13 November 1997.
Appendix 2
CIS member states and several European countries
to the conventions and agreements on road transport
№ Countries
1Deklaratsiya concerning the construction of international highways from September 16, 1950 +++++++
2Evropeyskoe Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR) of 15 November 1975 (995_046) + + + + + ++++++++
3Evropeyskoe Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Installations (AGTC), of 1 February 1991 (994_054) + + + + +0 +0 +
4Konventsiya on Road Traffic of 8 November 1968 (995_041) +++++++++++++++++
5Evropeyskoe Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Traffic, 1968, from 1 May 1971 + + + ++++++++
6Protokol on Road Signs and Signals ot19 September 1949 (995_901) + + ++++++++
7Konventsiya on Road Signs and Signals on November 8, 1968 (995_902) + +++++++++++++++
8Evropeyskoe Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals, 1968, from 1 May 1971 (994_372) + + + ++++++++
9Protokol of road markings to the European Agreement, an additional% D
1? Lowing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals, from March 1, 1973 + + ++++++++
10Soglashenie the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for equipment and parts for motor vehicles on 20/3/1958, the + + ++++++
11Evropeyskoe Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR), from July 1, 1970 (994_016) + + + + + + + +++++++
12Konventsiya on the Taxation of Private Road Vehicles in International Traffic, of 18 May 1956 (995_398) + + + + +
13Konventsiya on the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) May 1956 (995_234) + +++++++ +++++++
14Protokol to the Convention on the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) from July 1, 1978 (995_234) + + + + + + +
15Konventsiya concerning Customs Facilities for Touring, signed in New York on June 4, 1954 + +++++++
16Tamozhennaya Convention on the Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles, signed in New York on June 4, 1956 (995_081) + +++++++
17Tamozhennaya Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) of 15 January 1959 + +++++++
18Tamozhennaya Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention), November 14, 1975 (995_012 )+++++++++++++++++++
19Tamozhennaya Convention on the Temporary Importation of Road Vehicles, and Commercial, of 18 May 1956 + + +++++++
20Tamozhennaya Convention on Containers, of 18 May 1956 (995_704) +++++++
21Tamozhennaya Convention on Containers, of 2 December 1972 (995_c34) + + ++++++++
22Konventsiya on Customs Treatment of Containers in the pool and used for international transportation, from January 21, 1994 + 0
23Evropeyskaya Convention on Customs Treatment of Pallets used in International Transport, of 9 December 1960 +++++++
24Mezhdunarodnaya Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods of 21 October 1982 (995_267) + + + + + ++++++
25Evropeyskoe Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) 30 September 1957 (994_217) + + +++++++
26Protokol to amend Article 1 of the "a", Article 14.1 and Article 14.3 of the European Agreement (ADR) on October 28, 1993 + + +0 + + +0
27Soglashenie on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage (ATP), from 9.1.1970, the (995_b68) + + + +++++++
28Mezhdunarodnoe agreement (Universal contract) liability insurance of vehicle owners under the "Green Card" from 20.10.1989, the +++++++
+ - Signature and ratification;
0 - signature without ratification.
Except those specified in Table 3 of the Conventions Georgia acceded to the Agreement TEA.