Protocol on Road Signs and Signals

(Geneva, 19 September 1949)

Changes to the Protocol, see the Agreement (994_372) on 05/01/1971)

   States which are Contracting Parties to this Protocol, wishing to ensure traffic safety and facilitate international road traffic by adopting a uniform system of traffic signs and signals, adopted the following resolutions:

Part I. General Provisions
Article 1
Contracting parties to this Protocol shall adopt it set a system of road signs and signals and commit to its implementation as soon as possible. To this end, they will apply that in her signals at every installation of new signs and signals, or upon renewal of existing ones. Complete replacement of signs and signals, not corresponding to the system established in this Protocol will be implemented no later than ten years from the date of entry into force for each Contracting Party to this Protocol.

Article 2
The Contracting Parties undertake to commence as soon as the Protocol enters into force, the replacement of traffic signs and signals, which according to their appearance at one of the types conferred by that system, could give instructions, which have a different value than that prescribed by the sign in this system.
Part II. Traffic signs and signals
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 3
Characters used in international traffic signal, divided into three categories, namely:
a) signal warning signs about the net ';
b) signs prikazatelnye, subdivided as follows: signs are prohibited; signs to compulsory execution;
c) signs, giving only an indication, subdivided as follows: signs or indication, signs warning about the production of the sign, and signs indicating the direction; marks of settlements and the route.

Article 4
For each category of signs, labels are applied with different shapes.

Article 5
1. Legend shown on the signs in the tables attached hereto, be adopted by the Contracting Parties as a basis for their road signs and signals. As a rule, they should be located in the middle of the plates.
2. If the Contracting Parties recognize the need to make these designations are any changes, they should not make any substantial changes in the signs.
3. To facilitate the understanding of the sign can enter additional directions on a rectangular plate below the sign.
4. When the sign or to supplement their plates made inscriptions, they should be done in the language or languages of the country, and, if desired, one of the official languages of the United Nations.
5. On the introduction of new symbols, the Contracting Parties in accordance with the instructions of paragraph 1 of Article 17 of the Convention on Road Traffic opened for signature in Geneva ... September 1949, countries are obliged to notify the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall report it to the other Parties.

Article 6
1. Paint signal nyh marks, notations and references to them should be the same color, which is required by this Protocol, except where exceptional circumstances make this impossible.
2. Where have free choice of color, the signs of the same category under the same conditions should be in every country of the same color.
3. The reverse side of the plates should be painted in soft colors, with the exception of the sign III, S. Iab and index sign II, A.15 is if it is placed on the reverse side of the sign II, A.14.

Article 7
Reflective devices shall be arranged so that they do not dazzle of persons using the road, and do not reduce clarity, symbols or inscriptions on the signs.

Article 8
1. Dimensions tablets signs should be such that the distance the sign was easily visible and near easily distinguishable.
2. Different sizes of signs should be standardized in order to give them the greatest possible uniformity. As a general rule, for each type of traffic signs are installed in two sizes: one normal and one decreased. The latter applies in cases where conditions setting the column does not allow us to apply the normal size, or when that does not require the safety of traffic on the road. As an exception, a reminder of earlier staged signs or in the settlements, you can use the sign smaller.

Article 9
1. Outside settlements plates are placed in such a way that their axis is passed, if that does not impede the circumstances, no further than 2 m from the nearest edge of the carriageway.
2. In urban areas, and in mountainous areas the distance between the edge of the plate, pointing towards the roadway, and the edge of the road must be at least 50 cm in some exceptional cases, may allow a lesser distance.

Article 10
1. Under the height of the characters in this Protocol shall mean the height of the lower edge of plate with respect to the level of the highest point of the carriageway.
2. To the extent possible, over a road observed the same height.

Chapter II
Category I.
Signs warning of the dangers

Article 11
1. Decals signs warning of danger, should be in the form of equilateral triangles. Vertex of the triangle facing upwards at the same time, except for the sign "Warning - the main road" (1,22), in which vertex of the triangle should be facing down.
2. Plates are framed by a red stripe on white or light yellow background. Designation applied to a black or dark paint.
3. For signs of normal size length of the triangle should be no less than 90 cm, and for the reduced size of the sign - not less than 60 cm

4. Signs placed on the side corresponding to the direction of motion, and face to this direction. They can be repeated on the other side of the road.
5. In the absence of contrary indications signs are placed no closer than 150 m and 250 m further on they indicate a dangerous place, this rule permitted exceptions caused by local conditions. In such exceptional cases the sign is placed at a distance of less than 150 yards from a dangerous place and should be taken other special security measures.
6. The height of the signs should not exceed 2 m 20 cm and outside settlements should be not less than 60 cm
7. Signs are placed in such a way that nothing they did not close and that they do not interfere with pedestrian traffic.

Article 12
Sign, "Fracture of the longitudinal profile of the road" (I, 1) is used only when approaching one of the following obstacles: a convex break in the profile of the road, past the concave fracture or bridge convex profile.

Article 13
1. Sign, "Dangerous Corner" or "dangerous turns (I, 2), is used only when approaching a turn or turns, to be a danger to traffic conditions or poor visibility.
2. Each Contracting Party shall be entitled to replace the above sign is the signs that indicate more precisely the properties of rotations. Replacing this should be done on the entire territory of the Contracting Parties. In this case, the choice of the following signs:
I, 3 - turn right;
I, 4 - turn left;
I, 5 - double twist, the first right;
I, 6 - double twist, the first left.

Article 14
Sign "Crossing the road" (I, 7) have consumed in those cases where the authorities deem it necessary to specify the approach to branching roads, or crossing them to a crossroads. In urban areas this sign is used only in exceptional cases.

Article 15
1. Sign "Railroad crossing with barriers" (I, 8) applies to any railway crossing with a barrier.
2. Sign, "Level crossing without barrier" (I, 9) applies to any railway crossing without barrier with an automatic alarm system or without it.
3. On roads with vehicular traffic at night signs referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 are equipped with reflective devices or facing materials with reflectivity.
4. Barrier crossings should be painted red and white stripes or red and yellow. They can also be painted white or light yellow color and are supplied in the middle of a large red disk. To increase their visibility at night on these barrier installed reflective red device or a lantern, illuminating the gate at a time when it is fully open.
5. Nearly every railroad crossing with no barrier should be placed in close proximity to the railway through the sign in the form of St. Andrew's Cross (I, 10, and I, 11) or a rectangular plate with a neutral color, which depicts the cross. In order not to be confused with rail crossings that have no barriers, with barrier crossings can not have this sign. If the railway line has two tracks and more, St. Andrew's cross, or at least the lower part of the cross could be double. This cross should be painted in red and white or red and light yellow.
6. Provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall apply to the main railway lines. On the railways and local trams signs outside populated areas have the same shape and the same value as the railway crossing near the main railways. However, in respect of the application in some cases, signs referred to in this article, all the Contracting Parties shall be admitted to simplify or eliminate, especially when matched with a list of roads crossing the road with little traffic or on a tram line.
7. Rules applicable to railroads and local streetcar lines where they pass through populated areas, as well as to the factory connecting branches or to other parts of the railways, equivalent to those branches, set the relevant authorities of the Contracting Parties.

Article 16
1. Sign "Dangerous Descent" (I, 12) applies where the relevant authorities find it necessary to specify the approach to a dangerous slope if the slope exceeds ten percent, or because of local conditions is a hazard.
2. Direction bias noted on signs, as shown in Fig. I, 12 "a" and I, 12 "b".

Article 17
Sign "Road narrows" (I, 13) applies when the relevant authorities deem it necessary to specify an approximation to a narrowing of the carriageway, which represents a danger to traffic.

Article 18
Sign "drawbridge" (I, 14) applies where the relevant authority considers it necessary when approaching a drawbridge.

Article 19
1. Sign "Repair" (I, 15) applied the approach to running on the road works.
2. The boundaries of the areas where repairs are made, should be clearly marked at night the sign.

Article 20
Sign "Slippery road" (I, 16) applies where the relevant authority considers it necessary to point closer to the carriageway, which under certain conditions, has increased slipperiness.

Article 21
1. The sign "Go for pedestrians" (I, 17) applies where the relevant authority considers it necessary to specify the approximation of transition for pedestrians. Way to refer to these transitions are given the choice of the appropriate authorities.
2. The provisions of paragraph 5 of Article 11 of this Protocol shall not apply to this sign.

Article 22
1. Sign "Children" (I, 18) applies where the relevant authority considers it necessary to point closer to the places frequented by children, such as schools and playgrounds.

2. The provisions of paragraph 5 of Article 11 of this Protocol shall not apply to this sign.

Article 23
Sign "Beware of animals" (I, 19) applies when the relevant authorities deem it necessary to specify the point of entering into special areas where the road may occur unaccompanied animals.

Article 24
Sign "Crossing the road, not of priority" (I, 20) is applied on the road, enjoying a priority, or on the road with large traffic, when the relevant authority considers it necessary to state on the territory of each Contracting Party shall, where the use of such sign conforms to the rules of motion , approaching the intersection with the road, not enjoying priority.

Article 25
1. Sign "Other barriers" (I, 21) applies where the relevant authority considers it necessary to point out the approach to a hazard or obstruction than those listed in Articles 12 - 24 of this Protocol.
2. However, instead of the notation in the middle of the sign may be placed an inscription black or dark paint, which determines the hazard or obstruction, such as a circular motion, limiting overall height or width, steam, falling rocks.
3. At that signs should always be a certain image or inscription or image and inscription.
4. More rectangular plate with an inscription or image, generally accepted in the territory of the Contracting Party may be placed over the sign.

Article 26
In the territories of all Contracting Parties, where the atmospheric conditions do not permit continuous production of shields with a designation signal to indicate the above-mentioned dangers may be used cut red triangle (Articles 12-25). Above this triangle should always be placed a rectangular plate, which carries the designation, and in certain cases and guidance relevant to the hazard.

Article 27
1. The sign "Caution - the main road" (I, 22) is used to specify the driver that he should give up the passage of vehicles moving on the main road.
2. This sign is placed on the road, which is not a priority, at an appropriate distance not exceeding 50 meters from the intersection of two roads in open terrain and 25 m in the settlements.
It is recommended that in addition to such a road was as close as possible to the junction deposited on her line, mark or sign.
3. Also allowed, and in particular when there is no sign "Crossing the road" (I, 7) that, prior to the sign I, 22 raised a preliminary sign consisting of the sign, I, 22, to which is added a rectangular plate with an inscription indicating the distance separating the place of its production from the intersection of roads, as shown in Fig. I, 22 "a".
When the sign between the preliminary and the intersection with the road, enjoying a priority or a road with a big movement occur other crossings, pre-sign is repeated after each crossing.

Chapter III
Category II.
Prikazatelnye signs

Article 28
1. Signs of this category express the forbidden generalization or the mandatory guidelines.
2. Decals signs in this category, are circular.
3. Except for the sign II, A.16 circle diameter should be not less than 60 cm for signs of normal size and not less than 45 cm for signs of reduced size. In respect of signs, II, A.15, II, A.17, II, A.18 and II, B.1, II, B.2 diameter can be reduced to 20 cm, if applied intermediate signs.
4. Signs placed on the side corresponding to the direction of motion, and directed towards. They can be repeated on the other side of the road.
5. Signs are placed in close proximity to the place where the prohibition or mandatory indication shall enter into force. However, signs indicating the prohibition of mandatory rotation or direction of motion, can be placed at an appropriate distance from the place where the prohibition or mandatory indication shall enter into force.
6. Signs must be placed no higher than 2 m 20 cm and 60 cm below

II.A. Prohibitory signs

Article 29
Prohibit signs painted in the following colors: plate - white or pale yellow, bordered in red and the symbol - a black or dark color.

Article 30
The following signs indicate a prohibition on movement:
a) The sign "Movement is prohibited (in both directions)" (II, A.1);
b) The sign "Entry forbidden to all vehicles" (II, A.2); this sign consists of a plate with a red horizontal stripe of white or light-colored;
a) The sign "Turn right (left) is forbidden" (II, A.3); arrow on the sign must be turned right or left, depending on what the rotation is prohibited;
d) The sign "Overtaking is forbidden" (II, A.4) is used to indicate that all the cars overtaking is prohibited; colored cars, marked by signs, arranged in reverse order for left-hand traffic.

Article 31
The following signs contain guidance on the prohibition relating to certain categories of vehicles:
a) The sign "Entry forbidden to all vehicles except motorcycles without side" (II, A.5);
b) The sign "Entrance forbidden motorcycle without a sidecar" (II, A.6);
a) The sign "Entry forbidden to all vehicles" (II, A.7);
d) The sign "Entrance forbidden to trucks, whose weight is loaded with tons more ___" (II, A.8);
d) The sign "Cyclists entry is prohibited" (II, A.9).

Article 32
The following markings provide guidance on limiting the size, weight and speed of vehicles:
a) The sign "Entrance forbidden to vehicles wider than ___ feet" (II, A.10);
b) The sign "Entrance forbidden to cars overall height of more than ___ feet" (II, A.

a) The sign "Entrance forbidden to vehicles, with a cargo weighing more than ___ tons" (II, A.12); on this warning sign could be strengthened rectangular panel, with some rules of the road, or limiting the number of vehicles, while relocating the bridge;
d) The sign "Entrance forbidden to vehicles with a load of more than ___ tons per axle" (II, A.13);
d) The sign "Speed limit" (II, A.14); under this warning sign may be placed a rectangular plate with a red border, indicating the rules of speed limit;
e) The sign "Speed is not limited" (II, A.15) (on white or light yellow background, oblique stripes of black or dark color) is used to indicate the point where to stop applying the rules of the speed limit, it can be placed on the back side of the sign II, A.14, including on a sign located on the side of the road opposite to the direction of motion.

Article 33
1. The sign "Stop at Intersections" is used to specify the driver that he must stop before entering the road be given priority passes, or on the road with heavy traffic in the case where the rules require a stop.
2. This sign consists of a red circle in the triangle which is inscribed in red, facing the top down. The triangle may be identified in the word "stop" as the sign II, A.16.
3. Diameter shall be not less than 90 cm for the sign of normal size and not less than 60 cm for reduced sign.
4. The sign is placed on the road, not enjoying priority pass at the required distance, which is in the open area should not exceed 50 meters from the intersection and no more than 25 m in the settlements.
It is recommended that such a road, moreover, was probably closer to the intersection inflicted on her line, mark or sign.
5. Also allowed, in particular, in the absence of the sign "Intersection" (I, 7) that before the sign II, A.16 is still treated in a preliminary sign consisting of the sign I, 22, to which is added a rectangular plate with an inscription indicating the distance before crossing the road (an example of such a signal is shown in Fig. I, 22 "a").
When between the advance sign and the intersection with the main road or roads with heavy traffic, there are other intersections, a preliminary sign is repeated after each intersection.

Article 34
1. The sign "Stop (Customs)" (II, A.17) is used to indicate the proximity of customs, where a stop is required.
The sign denotes the word "Customs", and it can be shown simultaneously translated into the language of the border area (II, A.17).
2. This sign can also be applied in other cases, when a stop is required, in which case the word "Customs" is replaced with an inscription indicating the conditions of stopping.

Article 35
1. Sign "Limiting standing and parking" (II, A.18) is used to indicate places where stopping is prohibited, or parking of vehicles, as well as those where parking time is limited. This sign consists of a blue circle with a red border, the intersection chennogo diagonal red line.
2. Sign without explanatory labels used to indicate that parking in the locality in general is prohibited.
3. Additional guidance is established, depending on circumstances, with respect to:
a) the hours during which parking is prohibited;
b) the duration of permitted parking;
c) the fact that parking is allowed, depending on the day, on the one hand, on the other side of the road;
d) the categories of vehicles for which an exception is made, or are placed on the label affixed below the sign or the sign itself in order, however, it is not difficult to understand the sign.
4. The inscription "Stop the forbidden", placed either on the signs, or an extra plate for him, indicates that the stop of the vehicle is prohibited.
5. Contracting Parties had accepted the sign "Keep vehicles prohibited (red disc with a circle of white or light yellow color, crossed the middle on a diagonal red stripe, which denotes the letter" P "to prohibit the waiting car with driver or not), may temporarily change the established order of their signal in this regard. Due to the fact, however, that only the sign adopted for this purpose in the present Protocol, is a sign II, A.18, Contracting Parties are strongly encouraged in the marking of the conditions that permit their territory stopping or parking, to adhere to guidelines set forth above in paragraphs 1 - 4 of this article.

II, 11. Signs to the mandatory leadership
Article 36
1. Paint signs to the mandatory management should be as follows: a plate painted in blue and marked on it - in white.
2. Below is a description of the signs to the mandatory guidelines:
a) The sign "DIRECTIONS" (II, B.1) designation on the sign can be changed in accordance with special conditions;
b) The sign "The track, which is mandatory for cyclists" (II, B.2); this sign is used to indicate that cyclists should use for them assigned track.

Chapter IV
Category III.
Signs that give only indications

Article 37
1. Shields signs in this category have a rectangular shape.
2. In the case of providing a free choice of color is a red color should not be predominant on the signs in this category.
III, A. Guidance signs
Article 38
1. Sign "Location" (III, A.1) is used to indicate where vehicles are allowed to remain.
2. Shield of this sign has a square shape.
3. Sides of the shield should have no less than 60 cm for the sign of normal size and not less than 40 cm for reduced sign.
4. Sign that can be placed perpendicular or parallel to the road.
5. Shield the sign painted in blue and the letter "P" - in white.

6. Under this sign can be placed a rectangular plate with inscriptions indicating the limit on the permitted parking space or its location.

Article 39
1. Sign "hospital" is used to indicate the driver of the vehicle on the need for precautions caused by the proximity of some health institutions, in particular, to indicate the need to avoid excessive noise.
2. The shield of the mark under the symbol with the letter "H" placed the word "hospital" as indicated in Fig. III, A.2.
3. Shield painted in blue and the inscription on it should be white.
4. That the sign is placed perpendicular to the road.
Article 40
1. The following signs are used to indicate the subsidiary points:
a) sign the emergency room "(III, A.3 and III, A.4) indicates that nearby there is the emergency room, recognized officially;
b) sign repair item "(III, A.5) indicates the presence of nearby repair item;
a) the sign "Telephone" (III, A.6) indicates the presence of nearby public telephones;
d) the sign "supply point" (III, A.7) indicates the presence of nearby points of supply gasoline.
2. Short side of a rectangular panel marking referred to in this article is placed horizontally. A sign painted in blue. Image inside the white square is put a black or dark paint, except for signs III, A.3 and III, A.4, the image which is made with red paint. Side of the white square should be at least 30 cm, however, for the mark III, A.7 instead of the square is placed a white rectangle with the short side which is placed horizontally.
3. Terms of service marks, mentioned in clauses "b", "c", "d" of paragraph 1 shall be established by the relevant authorities.

Article 41
1. Sign "road be given priority" (III, A.8) can be used to indicate the beginning of the road be given priority.
2. The sign of this may also be duplicated on these roads.
3. Sign "To Finally priority" (III, A.9) used to indicate the end of the road be given priority when the sign III, A.8 placed at the beginning of this road.
4. This sign may also be used to indicate that the approaching end of the road be given priority. In this case, as a supplement, is placed under the sign of a rectangular plate with an indication of the distance from the point where the stop priority pass. An example of such a sign is shown in Fig. III, A.9 "a".
5. A sign marks provided in this Article shall have a square shape, with one angular momentum in the square facing down.
6. Side of the square must have at least 60 cm in the signs of normal size and not less than 40 cm in the signs of reduced size. In the intermediate marks, set within cities, the side of the square is not less than 25 cm
7. The sign is painted in yellow and white stripe bordered with black rim. On the sign III, A.9 should be, in addition, the transverse band of black or dark color.
8. Signs placed on the edge of the carriageway of the relevant direction of motion, and face to this direction. They can be repeated on the other side of the road.

III, B. The signs are preliminary and indicate the direction
Article 42
1. Preliminary signs are rectangular in shape.
2. They must be of such size that the indications they could be easily understood by drivers of cars moving at high speed.
3. These signs are painted in bright colors, lettering - letters of dark color or dark in color, lettering - light letters.
4. Signs are placed at a distance of 100 to 250 m from the intersection of roads. On freeways, this distance can be up to 500 m.
5. Samples of these signs are shown in Fig. III, B.1 "a" and III, B.1 "b".

Article 43
1. Signs indicating the direction to travel in a given locality, are rectangular in shape, ending the boom, the longest side which is placed horizontally.
2. At these signs may be indicated the names of other settlements located in the same direction.
3. When these signs denotes the distance, the figures indicating the miles are put between the name of the settlement and the end of the boom.
4. These signs are painted the same color as the preliminary signs.
5. Samples of these signs are shown in Fig. III, B.2 "a" and III, B.2 "b".

Signs indicating the locations and route
Article 44
1. Signs indicating the settlements and the route, have the shape of a rectangle whose long side is horizontal.
2. Signs are sized and placed so that they are visible at night.
3. The signs are painted in bright colors, lettering - letters of dark color or dark in color, lettering - light letters.
4. Signs placed on the edge of the road on the side corresponding to the direction of motion, and face to this direction before entering the town.
5. Samples of these signs are shown in Fig. III, C.1 "a" and III, C.1 "b".

Article 45
1. Signs shall identify the road to put on them numbers or letters or combinations of numbers and letters, have the shape of a rectangle.
2. These marks can be placed on kilometer posts, over other trademarks or as individual characters.
3. A sample of this sign is shown on Fig. III, C.2 "a".

Part III.
Additional regulations regarding railway crossings

Article 46
If necessary, can be applied intermediate auxiliary signs, such as vertical plates, which placed first at the signs I, 8, or I, 9, and then put two-thirds and one third of the distance separating the first sign of the railroad, with three , followed by two bands and, finally, a red diagonal stripe on white or yellow background.

Article 47
If the barrier level crossing is not visible from the point at which it is governed at a distance, it must be fitted with acoustic or optical warning signals in a timely manner of persons using the road, on the early closure of the barrier, regardless of whether it is performed manually or automatically device. Movement of the barrier should be at the same time slow enough to allow persons with a road and already stationed at the crossing, pass through it.

Article 48
The work of all railway crossings with barriers should be provided at all times of trains. If a railroad crossing categories, having a barrier, goes completely into the category of level crossings without barrier with an automatic alarm system or into the category of crossings, without any barrier or an automatic alarm, barriers must be removed to avoid any mistake on the part of persons using the road.

Article 49
1. On every level crossing without barrier, but with an automatic alarm should be placed in close proximity to the railway track and possible spine in the same column as the sign in the shape of St Andrew's Cross (I, 10, and I, 11), automatic signal warning of approaching trains. The warning signal shall consist of both day and night from one or more flashing red lights, stop prescribing the persons who use the road. This should be taken appropriate measures to prevent accidental termination of the automatic signal, and that its action could cause an erroneous interpretation of the signal.
2. The above-mentioned red light may be supplemented by an audible signal.
3. K under the above automatic alarm, warning of approaching trains, the equivalent such as signaling, acting is not automatic and manual mode.

Article 50
Railroad crossing can be no barrier and no automatic alarm only if a sufficient visibility of railroad tracks on either side moving persons use the road, with the maximum speed of trains, so that the driver of a vehicle when approaching a rail from one side or another able in time to stop before entering the crossing when a train will appear, as well as to persons using the road, has already proved to move at the time the train could release him
Part IV. Signals controllers

Article 52
1. The traffic controller uses the signals of one of the following systems:
The first system
Signal "A" - "Stop" for vehicles traveling in front: raised upright hand with the palm facing forward.
Signal "C" - "Stop" for vehicles traveling behind: the hand with the palm facing forward, stretched horizontally in the direction corresponding to the direction of movement of vehicles, which stops the regulator.
Signals "A" and "C" can be used simultaneously.
   The second system <*>
Signal "B" - "Stop" for vehicles traveling from the front: the hand with the palm facing forward, stretched horizontally in the direction corresponding to the direction of movement of vehicles, which stops the regulator.
For the left-hand traffic.
Signal "C" - "Stop" for vehicles traveling behind: the hand with the palm facing forward, stretched horizontally in the direction corresponding to the direction of movement of vehicles, which stops the regulator.
Signals "B" and "C" can be used simultaneously.
2. When one or the other system allows the possibility of the alarm hand to propel the vehicle.
Part V. Light signals
Article 53
1. Lights light signals have the following meanings:
a) three-color system:
A red light means that vehicles do not have right of way;
The green light means that the passage is open to vehicles;
when the yellow light turns on after the green, which means that vehicles are not allowed to drive the traffic lights, except when at the time the yellow light vehicle is so close to the traffic light, that it can not be stopped, not having driven for him ;
when the yellow light turns red, together with or after the occurrence of the fire points to the imminent change in the notation of the sign, but it does not mean that a ban on moving forward has lost power;
b) for two-color system:
A red light means that vehicles do not have right of way;
The green light means that the passage is open to vehicles;
appearance of the red light, still burns green light has the same meaning as the appearance of yellow light after green with a three-color system.
2. One flashing yellow light means "CAUTION."
3. Lights light signals should be located one above the other. A red light must, as a rule, placed on top, and green - bottom. In those cases where the yellow light, it should be between the red and green.
4. In cases where the lights are placed at the edge of the carriageway, the lower edge of the fire, placed below all others, should, as a rule, be at least 2 m and not more than 3,5 m above the ground. When the lights are placed above the carriageway, the lower edge of the fire, placed below all others, must be not less than 4,5 m above the ground.
5. The signals should, if possible, repeat on the other hand the intersection of roads.
Part VI.
Road markings
Article 54
1. When outside settlements roadway has more than two lanes in it shall be done counting.
2. Outside of settlements in areas with poor visibility or other dangerous places roads of three lanes, the entire width of the road should be divided only in two ways.
3. On roads with two lanes, this markup can be highlighted in areas where visibility is inadequate, or other dangerous areas.
5. Markings referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article indicates that vehicles should not exceed the lane designated for traffic in the direction in which they follow.

Article 55
1. When warning lights or reflective devices designated side of the carriageway may be used lights or reflective devices of two different colors.

2. Red or orange color can thus be used to indicate the edge of the carriageway on the side corresponding to the direction of motion, and white - to indicate the opposite direction of the edge of the road.
3. In cases where the lights or reflective devices are used to refer to the islands or areas for safety of pedestrians on the axis of the carriageway, it is necessary to use lights and appliances in white or yellow.
Part VII.

Article 56
1. This Protocol shall remain open until 31 December 1949 for signature by all States signatories to the Convention on Road Traffic opened for signature in Geneva on September 19, 1949
2. This Protocol shall be ratified. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the United Nations.
3. After January 1, 1950 signatories on Road Traffic or acceded to it, may accede to this Protocol. It will also open for accession on behalf of any territory administered by the responsibility of the United Nations and whose name has been committed adherence to that Convention.

Article 57
1. Each State may at the time of signature, ratification or accession, or at any other time thereafter, declare by notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, that the provisions of this Protocol shall apply to any territory for whose international relations it is responsible. These provisions will be binding on the territory or territories named in the notice, within thirty days of receipt of the Secretary-General of the said notification, or if at the time the Protocol has not yet entered into force upon its entry into force.
2. Each State shall, when circumstances make this possible, take as soon as possible the measures necessary to extend the application of this Protocol to any territory for whose international relations it is responsible, subject to approval by the government of this territory, if required by the established basic laws of order.
3. Each State has made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, a declaration that the present Protocol to all territories for whose international relations it is responsible may at any later date, declare by notification to the Secretary-General that this Protocol shall cease to apply in specified in the notice. Dissemination of the Protocol on the respective territories must cease after one year from the date of its notification.

Article 58
This Protocol shall enter into force 15 months after it is deposited with the fifth instrument of ratification or accession. For each State ratifying or acceding to it after this date, this Protocol shall enter into force fifteen months after it is deposited with the instrument of ratification or accession of that State.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall notify the date of entry into force of this Protocol, each signatory to it or acceded to it, as well as other States invited to participate in United Nations Conference on Road and Road Transport.

Article 59
At the time of ratification of or accession, each State Party to the Convention on the introduction of uniformity in the alarm on the road, opened for signature in Geneva on March 30, 1931, undertakes to denounce this Convention within three months, starting from the days I transfer them to storage the above instrument of ratification or accession.

Article 60
1. Any amendment to this Protocol shall be proposed by one of the Contracting Parties shall be transferred to the Secretary General of the United Nations, which tells the text to all Contracting Parties, asking them to notify him within four months of:
a) whether they want to to discuss the proposed amendments was convened by the Conference;
b) or if they agree to adopt the proposed amendment without a conference be convened;
c) or, in their opinion, should reject the proposed amendment without a conference.
The proposed amendment must also be communicated to the Secretary-General, in addition to the Contracting Parties to any other State invited to the United Nations Conference on Road and Road Transport.
2. Secretary-General should convene a conference of the Contracting Parties in order to study the proposed amendments when they are requested to convene a conference of at least three Contracting Parties.
Secretary-General should be invited to this conference, in addition to the Contracting Parties, the States invited to participate in United Nations Conference on Road and Road Transport, and those whose presence at the conference is considered desirable to the Economic and Social Council.
These provisions should not apply when the amendment to this Protocol shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5 of this article.
3. Any amendment to this Protocol shall be adopted by the Conference, two-thirds majority, shall be communicated to its acceptance by all Contracting Parties. Ninety days after acceptance by two-thirds of the Contracting Parties to the amendment receives a binding force for all Contracting Parties except those which have declared before the date of its entry into force of the fact that they do not accept this amendment.
4. When making any amendments to this Protocol concentration%

D1? Erentsiya m ozhet solve the two-thirds majority that this amendment is of a nature that each Contracting Party, which declared its non-acceptance, and will not accept this amendment to the period of twelve months after the amendment enters into force, will cease at the end of this period to be a party to this Protocol .
5. If at least two-thirds of the Contracting Parties shall notify the Secretary-General, in order of subparagraph b of paragraph 1 of this article, that they agree to accept the amendment without a conference be convened, the Secretary shall report their decision to all Contracting parties. Upon the expiration of ninety days from the date of the communication the Secretary-General receives a valid amendment effective for all Contracting Parties except those which are within the specified time notified the Secretary-General that they oppose its adoption.
6. In case of other amendments than those specified in paragraph 4 of this article, the original decision remains in force for each Contracting Party that has made the declaration provided for in paragraph 3, or an objection referred to in paragraph 5.
7. Contracting Party which has made the declaration provided for in paragraph 3 of this article, or which will be against any amendment in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5 of this article can at any moment to take back the statement she made, or an objection by a notification that the Secretary-General. An amendment must receive mandatory in respect of that Contracting Party, upon receipt of the Secretary-General said notification.

Article 61
This Protocol may be denounced by warnings about a year the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall notify this denunciation of every signatory to the Protocol or acceded to it. After this one-year period Protocol ceases to have effect for a Contracting Party to denounce it.

Article 62
Any dispute between two or more Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Protocol, which the parties could not settle by negotiation or other means may be submitted at the request of any of the Contracting Parties to the International Court of Justice for resolution by the Court.

Article 63
The provisions of this Protocol shall not be construed as proscribe any Contracting Party from taking consistent with the Charter of the United Nations (995_010) and determined by the exigencies of the situation of action it may deem necessary for its external and internal security.

Article 64
1. In addition to the notification referred to in paragraph 5 of Article 5, Article 58, paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of Article 60 and Article 61, the Secretary shall report referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 56 states:
a) any signature, ratification and accession to this Protocol under Article 56;
b) statements concerning the territorial application of this Protocol pursuant to Article 57;
c) statements that the state adopt amendments to this Protocol, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 60;
d) a statement of disagreement to the amendment to this Protocol shall be made by State Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 5 of Article 60;
e) the effective date of amendments to this Protocol in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 5 of Article 60;
e) The term termination of any State participation in the Protocol in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 60;
g) a statement of objections against the taking back of an amendment to this Protocol under paragraph 3 of Article 60;
h) a list of States in respect of which an amendment to this Protocol enters into force;
i) statements of denunciation of the Convention, 30 March 1931 on the introduction of uniformity in the signaling traffic in accordance with Article 59 of this Protocol;
k) statements of denunciation of this Protocol in accordance with Article 61.
2. The original of this Protocol shall be deposited with the Secretary-General who shall transmit a copy duly certified copy thereof to all States referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 56.
3. The Secretary-General empowered to register this Protocol when it enters into force.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned representatives, in presenting his credentials submitted in proper form, have signed this Protocol.
Drawn up in Geneva, in one instance, English and French texts are equally authentic, nineteenth September one thousand nine hundred and forty ninth year.
USSR acceded to the Convention and Protocol with a reservation:
"The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics considers itself to non-binding provisions of Article 33 of the Convention on Road Traffic (respectively Article 62 of the Protocol on Road Signs and Signals), which provides that disputes between Contracting States concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention are transmitted to the International Court at the request of any of the disputing states, and states that the submission of a dispute to the International Court of Justice is necessary in each case the consent of all the contending States. "