European Agreement supplementing the Conventionon Road Signs
and Signals opened for signature at Vienna
on 8 November 1968
Document 994_372, edition of 01.05.1971,deystvueschy.
(Geneva, 1 May 1971)
Contracting Parties to the Convention on Road Signs and Signals opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968 (995_902), striving to achieve greater uniformity in Europe rules on traffic signs, signals and signs and road markings, have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Contracting Parties to the Convention on Road Signs and Signals opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968 (995_902), shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the operating system on their territory, traffic signs, signals and road markings consistent with the Annex to this agreement.
Article 2
1. This Agreement shall be open until April 30, 1972 for signature by States which have signed the Convention on Road Signs and Signals opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968 (995_902), or acceded to it and are either members of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations, either admitted to the Commission in a consultative capacity in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Terms of Reference of the Commission.
2. This Agreement is subject to ratification by the state after the ratification of the Convention on Road Signs and Signals opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968 (995_902), or acceding to it. Instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the United Nations.
3. This Agreement shall remain open for accession by any State referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, which is a Party to the Convention on Road Signs and Signals opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968 (995_902).
Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General.
Article 3
1. Each State may, when signing, ratifying this Agreement, or accession thereto or at any time thereafter, declare by notification addressed to the Secretary-General that this Agreement shall become applicable to all or any part of the territories for whose international relations it is responsible. Agreement shall apply to the territory or territories named in the notification, within thirty days of receipt of the Secretary-General of the notification or at the time the Agreement enters into force for the State making the notification, whichever is later.
2. Any State making a declaration under paragraph 1 of this article may at any time thereafter declare by notification addressed to the Secretary-General that the Agreement shall cease to apply to the territory specified in the notification and the Agreement shall cease to apply to that territory after one year from the date of Secretary-General received the notification.
Article 4
1. This Agreement shall enter into force twelve months from the date of deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification or accession.
2. For each State which ratifies the Agreement or accedes thereto after the deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification or accession, the Agreement shall enter into force twelve months from the date of deposit by such State has deposited its instrument of ratification or accession.
3. If the date of entry into force in pursuance of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article prior to the date, resulting from the application of Article 39 of the Convention on Road Signs and Signals opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968 (995_902), the Agreement enters into force with the latter date in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article.
Article 5
Since the entry into force of this Agreement shall terminate and replace, in relations between the Contracting Parties to the Protocol on Road Signs and Signals, as contained in the European agreement signed in Geneva on September 16, 1950, in addition to the 1949 Convention on Road Traffic and the 1949 Protocol Convention on Road Signs and Signals (995_901), the Agreement on the designation of the boundaries of road works, signed in Geneva on December 16, 1955, and the European Agreement on Road Markings, signed at Geneva on 13 December 1957.
Article 6
1. Twelve months after the entry into force of this Agreement, each Contracting Party may propose one or more amendments to the Agreement. The text of any proposed amendment, together with an explanatory memorandum
Sent to the Secretary General who shall circulate it to all Contracting Parties. The Contracting Parties shall have the opportunity to notify him or her period of twelve months from the date of its circulation, that:
a) whether they accept the amendment;
b) reject the amendment or
c) whether they wish to consider the amendment conference was convened. The Secretary-General shall also communicate the proposed amendment to the other States referred to in Article 2 of this Agreement.
a) Any proposed amendment communicated in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed accepted if, during the above period of twelve months less than a third of the Contracting Parties shall inform the Secretary-General that they reject the amendment or wish to convene a conference to consider the amendment. The Secretary-General shall notify all Contracting Parties of each acceptance or rejection of the proposed amendment and any requests that a conference be convened. If within the prescribed period of twelve months of such rejections and requests received less than one-third of all Contracting Parties, the Secretary shall inform all Contracting Parties of that amendment enters into force alternation is six months after the expiration of twelve months referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, for all Contracting Parties except those which are within the prescribed period rejected the amendment or requested the convening of a conference to debate.
b) Each Contracting Party shall, during the said period of twelve months has rejected a proposed amendment or requested to convene a conference to consider, may at any time after the expiry of that period notify the Secretary-General of its acceptance, and the Secretary General shall transmit the notice to all other Contracting Parties. The amendment shall enter into force for the Contracting Party has notified its acceptance, six months from the date of its receipt by the Secretary General.
3. If the proposed amendment was not adopted in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, and if during the twelve-month period provided for in paragraph 1, less than half the total number of Contracting Parties to inform the Secretary-General that they reject the proposed amendment and if at least third of all Contracting Parties, but not less than five, informed that they accept it or wish to convene a conference to discuss the amendment, the Secretary shall convene a conference to consider the proposed amendment to any proposal which may be submitted to him in accordance with paragraph 4 this article.
4. If a conference is convened in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article, the Secretary-General invites to it all the Contracting Parties and other States referred to in Article 2 of this Agreement. The Secretary-General appeals to all States invited to the conference to provide him with at least six months before the opening of the conference, any proposals which they, in addition to the proposed amendment may wish to consider at the conference, and shall communicate such proposals at least three months prior to Opening the conference, all invited to the conference state.
a) Any amendment to this Agreement shall be deemed adopted if it is accepted by a majority of two thirds of the States represented at the conference, provided that such majority includes at least two-thirds of the Contracting Parties represented at the conference. The Secretary-General shall inform all Contracting Parties of the adoption of the amendment, and shall come into force twelve months from the date of such notification to all Contracting Parties except those which are within this time informed the Secretary General to reject the amendment.
b) Each Contracting Party, rejected during the said period of twelve amendment may at any time notify the Secretary General of its acceptance, and the Secretary General shall notify all other Contracting Party. The amendment shall enter into force for the Contracting Party has notified its acceptance, six months after receiving notification by the Secretary or by lapse of twelve months, whichever is later.
6. If the proposed amendment is not deemed to be accepted in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, and if the conditions of convening the conference as prescribed in paragraph 3 of this article, the proposed amendment is rejected.
7. Regardless of the prescribed in paragraphs 1-6 of this article about the amendment, the Annex to this Agreement may be amended by agreement between the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties. If the competent authority of one Contracting Party has stated that under the national legislation of his agreement is contingent on obtaining a special permit or approval from the legislature, the consent of the competent authority of the Contracting Parties to change the application will be considered to have only when it notifies the Secretary-General that required authorization or approval. The agreement between the competent authorities may provide that during the transition period, the old provisions of Annex whole or in part shall remain in force alongside the new. Secretary General of the date of entry into force of new regulations.
8. Each State, when signing or ratifying this Agreement, or acceding to inform the Secretary General of the name and address of the competent authority empowered to give consent as provided in paragraph 7 of this article.
Article 7
Each Contracting Party may denounce this Agreement by written notification addressed to the Secretary-General. Denunciation shall take effect upon expiry of one year from the date of receipt by the Secretary General of the notification. Each Contracting Party which ceases to be a party to the Convention on Road Signs and Signals opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968 (995_902), the same date ceases to be a party to this Agreement.
Article 8
This Agreement shall lapse if the number of Contracting Parties for any period of twelve consecutive months is less than five, as well as the moment when expire Convention on Road Signs and Signals opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968 (995_902) .
Article 9
1. Any dispute between two or more Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement, which the disputing parties can not resolve through negotiation or other means of settlement, be submitted to arbitration at the request of either Contracting Party, between whom the dispute be submitted to one or more arbitrators selected by mutual agreement of the parties in dispute.
If within three months from the date of referral to arbitration the Parties in dispute fail to agree on the selection of an arbitrator or arbitrators, any of those Parties may request the Secretary-General of the United Nations to appoint a single arbitrator to whom the dispute shall be submitted.
2. The arbitrator or arbitrators appointed in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article shall be binding on the disputing Contracting Parties.
Article 10
No provision of this Agreement shall be construed as preventing any Contracting Party from taking consistent with the Charter of the United Nations (995_010) and limited to the situation of the measures that it considers necessary for its external and internal security.
Article 11
1. Each State may, when signing this Agreement or when depositing its instrument of ratification or accession, declare that it does not consider itself bound by Article 9 of this Agreement. Other Contracting Parties shall not be bound by Article 9 in respect of any Contracting Party which has made such a statement.
2. Reservations to this Agreement, other than the reservation provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be permitted on condition that they be in writing and if made before the deposit of instrument of ratification or accession, are confirmed in the instrument of ratification or instrument of accession.
3. Each State, when depositing its instrument of ratification or accession to this Agreement shall be in writing, notify the Secretary General on the extent to which the reservations made by them to the Convention on Road Signs and Signals opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968 (995_902) refer to this Agreement. Any reservations about which notifications will be done at the time of deposit of instrument of ratification or accession to this Agreement shall be deemed to be applicable to this Agreement.
4. Secretary-General reports on reservations and notifications made pursuant to this Article, all States referred to in Article 2 of this Agreement.
5. Any State making a declaration, reservation or notification under this article may at any time to remove them by notifying the Secretary-General.
6. Any reservation made in accordance with paragraph 2 or notified in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article
a) modifies for the Contracting Party has made or notified the reservation, under this reservation, the provisions of the Agreement to which it relates;
b) changes to the same extent those provisions to other Contracting Parties in their relations with the Contracting Party has made or notified the reservation.
Article 12
In addition to declarations, notifications and communications provided for in Articles 6 and 11 of this Agreement, the Secretary shall notify the Contracting Parties and other States referred to in Article 2:
a) Signatures, ratifications and accessions in accordance with Article 2;
b) Notifications and declarations in accordance with Article 3;
c) the dates of entry into force of this Agreement in accordance with Article 4;
d) the date of entry into force of amendments to this Agreement in accordance with paragraphs 2, 5 and 7 of Article 6;
e) denunciations in accordance with Article 7;
f) The termination of this Agreement in accordance with Article 8.
Article 13
After April 30, 1972 original of this Agreement, drawn up in one copy in English, French and Russian languages, all three texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the United Nations, who shall send certified copies to all States referred to in Article 2 of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned representatives, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
1. In applying the provisions of this Annex, the term "Convention" means the Convention on Road Signs and Signals opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968 (995_902).
2. This Annex contains only additions and changes made to the relevant provisions of the Convention (995_902).
3. By article 1 (995_902) (Definitions)
Item "b"
The paragraph should read: "The term" locality "means the built-up areas, entries and exits specially designated by appropriate signs."
Item "l"
For motorcycles equal three-wheeled vehicles weighing no load does not exceed 400 kg (900 pounds).
Additional paragraph inserted at the end of this article.
The paragraph should read: "Pedestrians are equated person pulling a baby carriage, a patient's wheelchair or any other vehicle of small size and without an engine, leading hands, bicycle or moped, and handicapped persons traveling in wheelchairs Wheelchair propelled by them, or moving at pedestrian speed. "
4. Go to Article 3 (995_902) (Obligations of the Contracting Parties)
Item 3
The paragraph should read: "All the signs, symbols, devices and markings that do not meet the system established by the Convention and this Agreement, will be replaced within ten years from the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
During this period, so that road users are accustomed to the system established by the Convention and this Agreement, it will be possible, along with the signs, symbols and inscriptions in the Convention and this Agreement, to use the same by the signs, symbols and inscriptions. "
5. By Article 6 (995_902)
Item 4
The provisions of this paragraph, which in the Convention (995_902) are recommendations will be binding.
6. Go to Article 7 of the Convention (995_902)
Item 1
Additional sentence inserted at the end of the paragraph.
This sentence should read: "Furthermore, with regard to signs in question, it is recommended not to use one and the same stretch of road signs which are illuminated or equipped with reflective materials or devices, and characters that are not covered or are not equipped with the specified above manner. "
7. Article 8 of the Convention (995_902)
Item 3
The paragraph should read: "During the ten-year transition period specified in paragraph 4 of this Agreement and in the future, in exceptional cases in order to facilitate the interpretation of signs can be added to the inscription on a rectangular panel below the sign, or in a rectangular panel containing the sign, such sign may also be placed on the sign itself, where it is not difficult to understand the sign for drivers who can not understand the inscription. "
8. Go to Article 9 of the Convention (995_902)
Item 1
Each state elects to the warning sign pattern A "a".
9. By Article 10 (995_902) (Priority signs)
Item 3 Each state elects to sign "passage without stopping is prohibited" pattern B, 2 "a".
Item 6
For pre-alarm of the approach to the sign B, 1 used the same sign, complete with a sign conforming to the model 1, in Annex 7 to the Convention (995_902).
For pre-alarm of the approach to the sign B, 2 "a" is used sign B, 1, supplemented by a rectangular plate with the designation "STOP" and a number indicating how far away the sign of B, 2 "a".
10. By Article 18 of the Convention (995_902) (Pointers items)
Item 2
The paragraph should read: "Signs of E, 9" a "and E, 9" c ", corresponding to the models in Annex 9 of the Convention, indicate the road users that the signs of E, 9" a "to the signs E, 9" c ", the normal traffic regulations in force in towns in the territory of that State, except in those cases where some sections of road in the towns prescribed by other rules. They have inscriptions of dark color on a white or light background and are installed respectively at the entrance to villages items in and out of them. However, the sign of B, 4 must always be installed on main roads, with sign B, 3, in cases where the right of way shall cease to have effect in the village. "
Item 3
The paragraph should read: "Index of names used for purposes other than those referred to in paragraph 2 of this article with the above wording should differ markedly from those indicated in the paragraph marks, they must have a label of white or light colors on dark background. "
11. Article 23 of the Convention (995_902) (Signals are designed to regulate the movement of vehicles)
An additional paragraph be inserted immediately after paragraph 3 of this article.
The paragraph should read:
"A) The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 6 of the Convention on road signs and signals apply to the traffic light signals, except those used at railway crossings.
b) Light traffic signals at intersections are installed at intersections or in the middle of them and they can be repeated on the other side of the intersection.
c) In addition, it is recommended that domestic legislation that the traffic light signals:
i) are set so as not to disturb the movement of vehicles on the roadway, and if they are installed on roadsides, in the least possible disturb the movement of pedestrians;
ii) shall be clearly visible from afar, and their instructions should be quite clear on the approach to them;
iii) should be standard on the territory of each Contracting Party to the categories of roads. "
Item 9
The paragraph should read: "When the green light three-color system has the form of one or more green arrows on a round black background, the inclusion of the arrow or arrows means that vehicles can pass only in the direction or directions which are indicated by arrows. Shooters, meaning the resolution walk straight, should be sent to the tip-up.
Item 10
Beginning of the paragraph should read: "When the signal is tri-color system is supplemented by one or more lights in the form of one or more green arrows on a round black background, the inclusion of ...".
An additional paragraph be inserted immediately after paragraph 10 of this article
This paragraph should read: "If a red or yellow flame is the contour of one or more arrows, then the indication given by these lights is limited to the direction or the direction of the arrow or arrows.
An additional paragraph be inserted immediately after paragraph 11 of this article
The paragraph should read: "In special cases, when there is no need for constant use of light signals, you can use the signal consisting of unblinking red light preceded by a flashing yellow light, the latter may be preceded by a blinking yellow light."
12. By Article 24 of the Convention (995_902) (signals intended only for pedestrians)
Paragraph 1, subparagraph "a" ii "
This provision would not apply.
Item 2
The paragraph should read: "Targeted Pedestrian lights shall be two-color system consisting of two lamps, namely the red and green. Should never include a combination of two of fire."
Item 3
The paragraph should read: "Lights should be positioned vertically, with the red light should always be on top and the green light - always at the bottom. Red light should be a silhouette of a stationary pedestrian or stationary pedestrians and the green light - a form of a silhouette of a moving pedestrian or pedestrians moving .
13. By Article 31 of the Convention (995_902) (Alarm repairs)
Item 2
Barriers will not be painted with alternating black and white or black and yellow stripes.
14. By Article 32 of the Convention (995_902) (Layout using lights or reflecting devices)
This article should read:
1.Recommended to denote availability on roadway safety bollards or islands with white or yellow lights or reflective devices.
2. When the edge of the carriageway denote the lamps or reflective devices, these lamps and devices shall be:
a) either all white or pale yellow;
b) either a white or light yellow color when the designated edge of the roadway opposite direction of traffic, and red or dark yellow color when the designated edge of the roadway, the appropriate direction of motion.
3. Each State Party to this Agreement will apply throughout its territory the same color or same color scheme for the lights or reflective devices referred to in this article. "
15. By article 33 (995_902)
Paragraph 1 "and"
This paragraph should read: "If the railroad crossing is installed alarm to warn of approaching trains or on the upcoming closure of gates or half-gates, it should consist of flashing red lights or alternately flashing red lights, as provided in subparagraph" b "of paragraph 1 of Article 23 Convention. At crossings without gates or half-gates alarm is preferably carried out by two alternately flashing red lights.
i) red flashing lights may be supplemented or replaced by a light signal system tricolor red-yellow-green, as described in paragraph 2 of Article 23 of the Convention, or the signal, in which there is no green light when on the road near the railway crossing installed other three colored lights or if the railway crossing barriers are installed. Red flashing lights at railway crossings with half-gates can not be replaced in such a way as indicated in the preceding sentence, but they can be so supplemented, provided that on the road before the railway crossing, there are other tri-color signals;
ii) on dirt roads with very little traffic and footpaths can be used only sound. "
Item 2
The paragraph should read: "Traffic lights are installed on the edge of the carriageway, the appropriate direction of travel when it is required by the circumstances, such as conditions of visibility or traffic signals, lights should be repeated on the opposite side of the road. If, however, because of local conditions it is considered preferable they can be repeated over the carriageway or on the refuge on the carriageway. "
16. By Article 35 of the Convention (995_902)
Item 1
Gates and half-gates of level crossings are not marked by alternating black and white stripes or black and yellow stripes.
17. Annex 1 to the Convention (995_902), Section B
Item 2 (a steep descent)
The paragraph should read: "For the warning of the descent of the steep designation A, 2" a ".
The left side of the notation A, 2 "a" has-left corner panel of the sign, and its base - the entire width of the flap, the figure indicates the slope in percentage.
Paragraph 3 (a steep climb)
The paragraph should read: "To prevent the approach to a steep rise in the designation A, 3" a ".
The right side is the notation A, 3 "a" has-right corner panel of the sign, and its base - the entire width of the flap, the figure indicates the rise in percentage.
Paragraph 11 (Crosswalk)
The paragraph should read: "To prevent the approach to a crosswalk designation A, 1911" a ".
The symbol may be reversed. "
18. Annex 2 to the Convention (995_902), Section A
Paragraph 1 (The "Crossing the main road)
Sign B, 1 has no marks or inscriptions.
Item 2 (The "Travel without stopping is prohibited")
The paragraph should read: "Signs" journey without stopping is prohibited "is a sign B, 2 samples of B, 2" a ". The sign B, 2 of the sample B, 2" a "should be octagonal with a red background and a narrow white or light yellow bordered on it a white or light yellow symbol shall be "stop", height designations must be equal to at least a third of the height plate.
Height of sign B, 2 "a" normal size should be about 0.9 meters (3 feet), height of signs of small size should be at least 0.6 meters (2 feet).
19. Annex 2 to the Convention (995_902), Section B
Item 2 (Legend), subparagraph "a" i "
This paragraph should read: "The Crossroads, the right of way that determines the force in the State generally accepted rule of way, the designation A, 1921" a ".
Item 2 (Legend), subparagraph "a" iii "
This paragraph should read: "Crossing the road, which users must give way. Marks B, 1, or B, 2" a "is used in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 9
this Annex. "
Item 2 (Legend), subparagraph "b"
This paragraph should read: "In cases where movement at the intersection by light signals, in addition to the signs described in this section, or instead of these signs may be placed a sign A" a "with the designation A, 16, described in section B of Annex 1 of the Convention. "
20. Annex 3 of the Convention (995_902), Section A
The first sentence of the introductory paragraph
This sentence should read: "to be installed sign is the sign of A" a ", which is described in section A of Annex 1 of the Convention."
Subparagraph "b"
This paragraph should read: "To designate other crossings use the notation A, 1927" a ".
21. Annex 3 of the Convention (995_902), Section B
Sample B, 7 "c" mark B, 7 will not apply.
Samples B, 7 "a" and B, 7 "b" may have stripes of red, provided that this does not affect the general appearance and effectiveness of signs.
22. To Annex 4 of the Convention (995_902), Section A
Item 2 (Description of characters), sub "a" (Prohibition and restriction of movement), "i"
Sample C, 1 "b" mark C, 1 would not apply.
Item 2 (Description of characters), sub "a" (Prohibition and restriction of movement), "iii"
Can be applied two additional sign, which PLAYBACK?% 8
0oizvedeno in the Appendix to this Annex and which have the following meanings:
Additional sign N 1: Movement of vehicles carrying more than a certain amount of explosive or flammable substances that are prohibited ".
Additional sign N 2: "The movement of vehicles carrying more than a certain amount of polluting water substances is prohibited.
Note at the end of the paragraph should read: "Signs of the C, 3" a "to C, 3" k ", and referred to in this paragraph further signs of N 1 and N 2 do not have a slope of the red band."
Item 2 (Description of characters), sub-"d" (prohibition of overtaking)
Samples C, 13 "ab" and C, 13 "bb" Marks C, 13 "a" and C, 13 "b" will not apply.
23. To Annex 4 of the Convention (995_902), Section B
Paragraph 1 (General Characteristics of signs and symbols), the sub-"b"
This paragraph should read: "Unless otherwise indicated, these signs should be blue and the symbols should be white or light color."
Item 2 (Description of characters), sub "a" (Mandatory direction)
Sign D, 1 "b" will not apply.
Item 2 (Description of characters), sub "c" (Compulsory roundabout)
This paragraph should read: "Mark D, 3" Compulsory roundabout "has no other meaning other than indicate the direction of circular motion, which must fulfill the vehicles.
When left-hand traffic arrows should be directed in the opposite direction. "
24. To Annex 5 of the Convention (995_902)
General characteristics signs and symbols of sections A - F
An additional paragraph be inserted immediately before the section A of this application
The paragraph should read: "At the preliminary direction signs or direction signs related to the highways and roads, equated to the highways, can be used in a reduced form of the symbol are available on the sign E, 15, and E, 17."
25. To Annex 5 of the Convention (995_902), Section A
Item 2 (Special Cases), subparagraph "a"
Red stripe marks E, 2 "a" and E, 2 "b" must be surrounded by white borders.
26. To Annex 5 of the Convention (995_902), Section B
Item 1
Sign E, 5 "c" will not apply.
Item 2
The sign of E, 6 "c" will not apply.
27. To Annex 5 of the Convention (995_902), Section C
Additional paragraph inserted at the end of this section
The paragraph should read: "Signs of E, 9" a "and E, 9" c ", with the inscription of dark color on a white or light background, are used in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 10 of this Annex."
28. To Annex 5 of the Convention (995_902), Section E
Sign E, 11 "b" will not apply.
29. To Annex 5 of the Convention (995_902), Section F
Item 2 (The "one-way road"), a sub-"b"
The arrow mark E, 13 "b" may be an inscription only if this does not decrease the effectiveness of the sign.
Paragraph 3 (Mark "The road is a dead end")
Red stripe sign E, 14 should be surrounded by white borders.
Paragraph 4 (warning signs on the entrance to the highway or motorway exit).
Additional item to be inserted immediately after the first paragraph of this item
This paragraph should read: "Mark E, 15 can be used to repeat to indicate the approach to the motorway, in the bottom of each set so the sign or on an additional sample plate 1, as described in Annex 7 to the Convention, must be specified distance from the sign up beginning of the motorway. "
Paragraph 5 (warning signs on entry to the road on which there are traffic rules applicable to the highways, or to leave with a road)
Additional item to be inserted immediately after the first paragraph of this item
This paragraph should read: "Mark E, 17 can be used to repeat to warn of approaching the road, where there are traffic rules that apply to the highways and in the bottom of each set so the sign or on an additional sample plate 1, as described in Annex 7 to the Convention, must be specified distance from the mark before the start of the road as there are traffic rules that apply to the highways. "
30. To Annex 5 of the Convention (995_902), Section G
Item 2 (Description of notation), the sub "a"
Legend F, 1 "b" and F, 1 "c" will not apply.
31. Annex 6 to the Convention (995_902), Section A
Description of signs
Paragraph 1, subparagraph "b"
This provision would not apply.
Paragraph 2, subparagraph "c"
This provision would not apply.
Paragraph 3 "e"
If the prohibition applies only over a short distance, the ability to waive the installation of only one sign, consisting of a red circle indicating the range within which this prohibition applies, will not be used.
32. Annex 6 to the Convention (995_902), Section B
Paragraph 1 (The "Location")
On a square shield, referred to in the first paragraph of this paragraph shall bear the letter "P".
Item 2 (sign indicating departure from the zone of limited parking)
Additional text inserted at the end of this item
This text should read: "Instead of parking disc can be used as symbols in light gray, available on the signs used to indicate entry into the zone.
A sign indicating the exit from the zone of limited parking may be placed on the back of the sign indicating entry into this zone and is intended for vehicles moving in the opposite direction. "
33. Annex 7 to the Convention (995_902) (Additional panels)
An additional paragraph be inserted immediately after paragraph 1
The paragraph should read: "The background of additional panels should preferably match the background of the group of characters with which they are used.
Agreement came into force on 03.08.1979.
USSR acceded to the Agreement 27/09/1974.